If you’re subscribed to one of the shared Best Fit™ plans, we’ll calculate the total amount of data you used and adjust your subsequent bill to the least expensive plan.
Does Best Fit™ apply to all plans?
The Best Fit™ feature only applies to those signed up for Best Fit™2GB, 5GB, 10GB and 15GB plans.
- If for instance you're subscribed to the Best Fit™15GB for $40 but only used 9.9GB, we'll only charge you for the $35 Best Fit™ 10GB plan.
- If you use 4.9GB, we’ll only charge you for the $30 Best Fit™ 5GB plan. If you use 1.9GB, we’ll only charge you for the $20 Best Fit™ 2GB plan.
You don’t even have to think about it, we just do it automatically. The following month, you’ll still be enrolled in your original plan (but you are eligible for Best Fit™ plan adjustment every billing cycle).
When will Best Fit™ not apply?
- Best Fit™ will not apply to the first month's bill. From the second month onward, we will calculate your data usage and adjust your subsequent bills accordingly.
- Best Fit™ will not apply during billing cycles in which International Roaming is active (ie, you were traveling outside the U.S.)
- Best Fit™ is not applicable for the Best Fit™ 2GB plan (as this is already our lowest data plan), nor the Unlimited 25+GB plan. Best Fit™
For those who need freedom from worry, our Unlimited 25+GB plan offers up to 25+GB of high-speed data. We’ll never shut you off or force you to buy more data (you can if you want to), but speeds will slow down to 2G after the 25GB mark. We’re transparent about this because we want you to make an informed decision.